February Meeting

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January Speaker: Lisa Barefield, Vitu, Inc.  (Click here for bio)

January Topic: DMV Updates


Click here to view the presentation that goes with the recording!

 Lisa Barefield, Vitu, Inc. 


(Click here for bio in Doc form)

Lisa Barefield gained her experience in the motor vehicle industry from the ground up. Her twenty-plus years working in dealerships began in the service department and led her all the way into the business office as the Contracts and Title Clerk. The expertise she earned in the trenches made her proficient in her knowledge of dealership operations, something she has found invaluable as an Account Executive and RMP trainer for Vitu. During her time working in the industry, Lisa has consistently called upon the DMV acumen she has built up over the years, going so far as to develop protocols for the DMV/Registration Departments for large dealer groups and working closely with the controllers to implement them. As an RMP trainer in Northern California, Lisa presents what she has learned to her students in ways that make highly technical information accessible to all. The RMP classes she facilitates range from basic to advanced registration, management of various DMV department licenses, Credit Union education and beyond. In addition to facilitating, Lisa has developed a comprehensive e-learning course and conducts webinars.

February Online Meeting